Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One night, when Ms. Green tea meets Mr. macho Cookies...there is the sparkle combination GNC.

GNC is beautiful, isn't it??....:)

Make a wish first;) Love, forever!!! (Yes...sometimes love takes forever...)

Hey, there is another sweet love just like us:0

Mr. Lonely, let us keep you accompany...

Cool down your head ahhhhhhh....

Oh, I saw a beautiful...

 Mama said, don't stand near the way...dangerous!!!!

                                               Mr.macho Cookie, DO NOT touch me!!!!!!!!

Spot the different!! No prize though....

What the fun day but guess you can't wait.... Goodbye GNC,  thanks for the wonderful journey....miss you already!!!!

You know, there is nothing better than a long walk after weather, quiet queue...Oh, I am talking about after 9pm weekday...

Don't be afraid to be alone... have fun and keep walking.