Thursday, November 18, 2010

Recipe - Hong Kong style Swiss sauce chicken wings 瑞士雞翼

Since this is my love, I would like to share how to make it yours too;)

1.    8 chicken wings (I prefer mid wings only but it is really up to you which part of the chicken you prefer)
2.   1 piece of star anise
3.   1/3 tbsp Sheguan pepper. around 25 pieces
4.   2 to 3 pieces of 4 cm long spring onion slices
5.   1 tbsp chopped ginger
6.   1/3 bar of brown sugar
**Prepare a tea bag/ pouch, then put item 2. to 4.  in a tea bag, we will use this later in the cooking

Marinade sauce:
1.   1 tbsp Rum
2.   1 tbsp light soy sauce
3.   1 tbsp dark soy sauce
4.   1 tbsp worcester sauce
5.   1 tbsp oyster sauce
6.   1/3 tsp salt
7.   150 ml water
** Mix all the below into one bowl and keep it for later usage.

1.   Put chicken wings into boiled water + 1/2 tbsp salt
2.   Cook chicken for 10 mins
3.   Turn off heat/ fire then leave it for 5 mins
4.   Wash and drain water for wings
5.   Heat up cooking pan then add in 1 tbsp oil then 1 tbsp ginger
6.   Turn fire to medium then add in Tea Bag which prepared earlier.
7.   Add in wings and flip wings both sides
8.   Add in 1/3 bar brown sugar bar
9.    Fried wings till light brown then add in pre-mix sauce.
10.  Flip wings both sides then turn to Low heat
11.  Cover and cook for 3 mins
12.  Turn over wings and add 100ml water then continue to cook for another 5 mins till sauce getting thicken and you will be done!
**You can dress it up with spring onion if you like:0 Yummy!!!!

I shall explore to make the fried Swiss sauce chicken wings...guess this should be the next big heat since no one making yet.
