Thursday, October 7, 2010

Recipe - Herbal Tea Eggs - 茶叶蛋

Things to prepare:
  • 2 packs of herbal ingredient (You can buy off shelf from most of the Chinese herb store
  • Thermal pot or slow cooker

Method: (30 eggs)
  • Boil eggs then allow them to cool.
  • Crack the shell of each egg. Put the cracked eggs back into the pot and add enough water to cover them completely.
  • Add herbal egg ingredient packets x 2
  • 20g salt (More or less)
  • 6-7 tbsp dark soya sauce
  • 3 tbsp light soya sauce
  • 65g sugar
  • Allow the eggs to simmer in the "herbal tea" for 3 hours or some people prefer over night (But I like fresh egg, overnight eggs are not good for health though).
**Half way through you may give the boiled egg a hit on the shell and let in stay in the pot:)

The best herbal egg in town!

I like herbal tea eggs but not many are good, usually the taste is only on the surface of eggs and so far tasteless inside.

Today, I've by passed this Yu Yan Seng at China Town. You can smell the herbal source from far away....Of course I was ending up buying, no regret though, indeed it's one of the best I've ever tried!